Ansan Medical & Life Co-operative association
<Social Impact>
Social Mission & Purpose “Social Enterprise – Financed, Used & Managed by Citizens”
- Activities for “keeping health when we are healthy”
- Providing medical services that protect patients’ human rights
- Providing medical & care services to disadvantaged groups
(the aged, the disabled, migrant workers, etc.)
- Activities for health care & prevention
- Making & supporting various health communities
- Giving back profits to the community
Contact Avantage Ventures at +86 10 6563 7704 or
5/F CBD International Building. 16 YongAn DongLi, ChaoYang District, Beijing. 100020, China
1. To make ourselves, our neighborhoods, our communities, and
our society healthy
2. To establish a medical center as a community center
(Integrated community, medical care and culture)
Country or Area of Focus Ansan city, Gyeonggi province
<Strengths / Achievements>
- Strong relationship between members and organizations
- Infrastructure to provide medical & care services
- Community spirit
- Good partnership between the NGO and local government
- Certified by the government as a social enterprise
- Increased participation of citizens (members of organization)
- Organization gave back profits to the community
“Let’s keep health when we are healthy”
Address: Royal plaza 3rd floor, 445-18, Wolpi-Dong, Sangrok-gu, Ansan-si, Kyonggi-do, Korea
Contact Person:
[ name, title]
1. HAN, Sang Woon, Manager (Dept. of Planning)
2. KIM Cho Hwan, Director (Dept. of Management)
Contact Details:
[ telephone, email ]
Website: (Under renewal)
No. of Persons: 31
Established Since: 2000