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4th Sector in Korea/Social Enterprise



<Social Impact>

Social Mission & Purpose To share social values and to plan and execute new proposals

related to the environment, humans, community and spaces

through creative cultural art

Country or Area of Focus South Korea


- We approach environmental issues not by giving direct solutions but by helping to understand

them from the artistic point of view

- Our goal is not only finding ‘relevance to society and the environment’, ‘the relationship

between the environment and individuals’, and ‘diversity’, but also applying cultural arts to unite

with similarly aimed groups.

<Strength / Achievement>

1) Our village built by us

Based on public art, residents can take pride in their communities and have a chance to share art, while they communicate with each other to change their villages into colorful villages

In 2007, the Yongha playground built by local residents was awarded the “Dure Nanum”prize 

2) Educational programs of cultural art

Lots of educational programs serve children, young people and the disadvantaged all over the country

3) Cultural art promotion and citizen culture campaign

We lead the popularization of art by encouraging attendance at cultural events, expanding the art field from private to public areas, and supporting potential artists, etc.

<Sustainable Method>

Managers work as creative artists and artisans, and plan and execute all business with artistic spirit

Address: 1st floor, 721 Hangsin-dong Dukyang-gu Goyang-si Gyeonggi-Do 

Contact Person : YU, Da- won

Contact Details: 031-971-4492, freezoom@dreamwiz.com

Website: www.free-zoom.com

No. of Persons: 9

Established Since: Oct., 2003