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Issue/WT foundation news

Mapo-gu Social Enterprise Associated Job Creation Plan - April 13,2009

2009 Mapo-gu Social Enterprise Associated Job Creation Plan Presentation

 ‘The Mapo-gu Social Enterprise Associated Job Creation Plan Presentation’ was held on the 9th ofApril from 2 pm to 4 pm at the auditorium of the Mapo-gu Office with 250 participants including Mapo-gu public service personnel and others from local social enterprises, social employment participating organizations and civil organizations.




LEE, Mae Sook, the Chairman of the Mapo-gu assembly, opened the meeting by reminding us of the seriousness of dealing with the unemployment problems caused by the recent economic crisis, emphasizing the necessity of cooperation between the civil sector and the government for job creation in the future, and expressing hope that this event would be a chance to gather various ideas for dealing with the local economic crisis.







The presentation began with the showing of a social enterprise publicity video clip, “The Cooperative Plan between the Civil Sector and the Government for the Understanding and Activation of Social Entrepreneurship,” presented by the WT Foundation, and a case study of the Mapo-gu culture and art social enterprise ‘Job Arte.’



In the meantime, the social enterprises Bari Dream, Beautiful Coffee, We Can Cookie, Happy Up, Y Home Keepers and Media Move energized the presentation by displaying products and showingpublicity movies, a social enterprise publicity panel exhibition and a publicity exhibition of local social enterprise and social employment.





Above all, KANG, Seung Gyu and KANG, Yong Seok (the Mapo-gu representatives in the National Assembly) attended this presentation, and showed high interest in Mapo-gu job creation.











Translated by MIN, Jeong Eun
Edited by Patrick Ferraro & Marie LEE